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How Do You Measure Up
We must always be compassionately praying to God on the behalf of others, meanwhile teaching them the way of the Lord. We must proclaim the truth of God’s word, unchanged, unfiltered, and undiluted. This is a compassionate reaction to the world, and then pray for them to receive and accept the good news that God has extended to the world.
Pride Cometh Before The Fall
“The proudest and mightiest have been brought down by God and so will men, who dare to resist the Most High, continue to be humble, even to the world’s end.”
Social Justice or In-Justice
We can no longer set back we must stand up and be counted and let our voices be heard.
Prepare To Meet Your God
Let’s not end up like the Israelites but seek the knowledge of God and His wisdom in all that we do. Let’s be prepared to meet our God!
You are Accountable
We can no longer set back and do nothing or say nothing when we know the truth. We must always remember just how accountable we are if we call ourselves His children.
The Target On Your Back
As we reflect on Amos’ prophecy together today, I don’t want to hear anyone say, “Great sermon pastor, this would have been perfect for my brother-in-law!” The Holy Spirit is using Amos’ prophecy to speak to all of us! Let us always work hard to keep that target of judgement off our back!
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