What To Expect
You can expect to be welcomed with open arms. Regardless of where you come from we will be glad to see you. Our worship services are at 9 am. Don’t worry about what to wear or feeling out of place, you just come as you are and we will make sure that you feel at home. We have a place for everyone in your family, so bring them all!
Our passion is serving our community while giving all the glory to God. We love the Lord and strive to build an army of disciples that can go out and win souls for Christ. Our goal is not to get you into our church but rather into a relationship with Jesus. If this isn’t the place for you then we will delight in helping you find somewhere that you feel comfortable. God is what is important!
During our services we believe you will experience two things: the Spirit of God, and the love of our family! We are excited about loving God and loving each other.
We believe in teaching through the Bible verse by verse. Pastor will often preach through a book of the Bible, or sometimes he does a topical study that focuses on specific passages which will examine word by word. His goal is not only to explain what God’s Word means to us, but also understand how we can apply that message to our everyday life. We want those who walk in our doors to walk out with a message that will change their daily life and draw them closer to Jesus Christ.
Psalm 66:8
O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of his praise to be heard: