Welcome To Seed Of Hope

I don’t believe that it was by accident that you stopped by our site today. We are here to share the love of God with you, to pray with you, and to give you a peace that surpasses all understanding through Jesus Christ.

We are a bible teaching church that is here to serve God and the community around us. We want to build up an army of disciples because I believe that together we can do more than than we could ever do by ourselves, and give God all the Glory!

Everyone is welcome here! We don’t care about the color of your skin, your financial status, or anything else. We only care that you want to learn the truth found in the Word of God.

Please take a few minutes to look around and learn more about us and feel free to contact us if there is a way we can make a difference in yours or someone else’s life.

Verse Of The Day

And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.

Come Join Us!

Service Times?

We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30am.

We currently do not have Sunday School as we only have 2 kids. We also don’t have any praise and worship because we don’t have any musicians. If you would like to help in one of those areas we would love to hear from you.

What Do You Preach?

We teach the entire Word of God.

We fully believe that the Old and New Testaments are as relevant today, in our walk with God, as they were when they were written. No subject is off limits when it comes to the truths that are in the Bible.

Is There A Dress Code?

No, we believe in come as you are.

We fully expect you to dress appropriately however, jeans and a t-shirt are as expectable as a suit and tie. God does not look at what we are wearing, He looks at what is in our hearts.

Is Everyone Welcome?


We do not care if you are young, old, rich, poor, what color your skin is, your nationality, your employment status, or anything else. It simply doesn’t matter to God or to us.

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What To Expect.

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God's Word

What We Believe

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Need Prayer?

No matter what you’re facing,
we’d love to pray with you!

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Want to Help?

Your financial support is very important
for our global projects.

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